Thursday, June 24, 2010

Is there anyone out there who doesn't like Doctor Who? How about The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?  Anyone out there who thinks combining the two would be most righteous?  Actually there is, and his name is Andrew Orton, and he's done a pretty amazing job.  Here's the video, which is via Cory Doctorow and Boing Boing.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Electricity Sings! Who Knew?

I'm going to have to admit something embarrassing right now: I watched America's Got Talent.  I felt like a Roman watching the circus, strangely titillated while waiting for the Thumbs of Death to show up.  Let's face it: we are the new Romans.  Crazy things come up on stage, like these guys who generate electricity while Darth Vader's theme is playing in the background.  What I later found out was that the machine they used is called a Tesla Coil and you can actually play it like an instrument.  The result?  Electricity sings.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Behind the Scenes of Nature's "Hummingbirds" Episode

Usually, behind the scenes stuff is pretty boring, something to fatten up a DVD package and nothing more. But this look at how Nature's "Hummingbirds" episode was shot is pretty interesting.  You should enjoy it whether you are a wildlife nut or a photography nut or both.  Or if you're just a plain nut, like I am.

This clip is also a clever marketing bid by PBS.

I hope this clip whets your appetite for the whole episode. Hummingbirds are amazing creatures. And I'm not being hyperbolic. Hummingbirds are the Albert Einstein of birds. Wish the series went a little bit more into that! But never fear, because I have a whole blog post about their spectacular behavior at Moving to LA.